

link 11.10.2007 19:41 
Subject: immune-boosting
Because it is not nutritionally
complete, because it does not contain the immune-boosting properties of breastmilk and because it is being consumed by growing babies with vast, ever-changing nutritional needs – and not meeting those needs – the health effects of sucking down formula day after day early in life
can be devastating in both the short and long term.


link 11.10.2007 19:59 
Should be immunity-boosting


link 11.10.2007 20:07 
why should it be? it's an article from a magazine a just need a translation of this term


link 11.10.2007 22:22 
если я правильно понял, текст довольно популярный. поэтому я бы предложил "укрепляющие иммунитет свойства".


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