
 тимофей 89

link 24.07.2007 20:05 
Subject: separate Muslim nationality
In practice Tito, a Croat-Slovene, deliberately reduced the power of the Serbs through the creation of a separate republic of Macedonia, the establishment of autonomous provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina, the giving of a veto at federal level to the Albanian majority in Kosovo and the creation of a separate Muslim nationality in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

separate Muslim nationality - отдельная мусульманская этническая группа? Заранее большое спасибо.


link 25.07.2007 6:33 
как вам вариант "новый этнос мусульманского происхождения"


link 25.07.2007 7:16 
На уровне мелькнувшей догадки:
отдельное (независимое) мусульманское государство

 summertime knives

link 25.07.2007 7:36 
Without that form of self-definition (religion), there would be no easy way of differentiating Muslims - who form 44% of Bosnia's population - from the predominantly Catholic Croats and the traditionally overwhelmingly Orthodox Serbs.
It was, ironically, under President Tito's atheist regime during the days of communist Yugoslavia that the Muslims - originally considered just a religious group - were first defined as a separate nation with the same rights as other nations within the old Yugoslav federation that broke up in 1991.
Since the war of 1992-95 Muslims have preferred to be known as Bosniaks - a definition that does not carry an overtly religious meaning.

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