
 Cергей Л

link 21.12.2004 4:31 
Subject: Декларация ОЭСР о международных инвестициях и транснациональных предприятиях
текста на русском не могу найти. впрочем, единственное, что интересует, вот эти инструменты (перевод их названия):

National Treatment
Conflicting Requirements
International Investment Incentives and Disincentives

Это что-то вроде названия глав. Подскажите, пожалуйста, если кто в курсе этой темы.. спасибо..

Вот контекст, на всякий случай

The Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises comprises four instruments for international co-operation:
• The Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are a multilaterally endorsed non-binding code of corporate conduct addressed to multinational enterprises;
• Under the "National Treatment" instrument, adhering countries commit themselves to treating foreign-controlled enterprises operating in their territories no less favourably than domestic enterprises in like situations;
• An instrument on "Conflicting Requirements" calls on adhering countries to avoid or minimise conflicting requirements imposed on multinational enterprises by governments of different countries;
• An instrument on "International Investment Incentives and Disincentives" provides for efforts among adhering countries to improve co-operation on measures affecting international direct investment.


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