
 Ozoria the First

link 25.04.2007 19:25 
Subject: Independent contractor agreement
Independent contractor agreement

интересно послушать ваши варианты.....


link 25.04.2007 19:45 
Договор подряда?

 Ozoria the First

link 25.04.2007 19:54 
нет, тут про агентов недвижимости...

Может вид субагентского договора?

 Irina Primakova

link 26.04.2007 5:23 
(независимый) подрядчик. The word independent doesn't have any particular meaning here, and could be ommited.

 Irina Primakova

link 26.04.2007 5:26 
This is an agreement between a broker and an independent contractor, - a real estate agent in this case.

 Ozoria the First

link 4.05.2007 21:57 
thank you!


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