

link 25.04.2007 14:27 
Subject: Приобретение ОС
Приобретение ОС? what can ОС be here? this is more geology guys. it is from their КАПИТАЛЬНЫЕ ВЛОЖЕНИЯ statement.

any ideas? it appers later in forecasted balances sheets as something for which there will be depreciation.


 Coleen Bon

link 25.04.2007 14:27 
приобретение основных средств имхо


link 25.04.2007 14:41 
that is what i was thinking, but i am really unsure with this one


link 25.04.2007 15:07 
основные средства


link 25.04.2007 15:07 
thanks guys. i already wrote it as such. it makes more sense than anything esle it could mean


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