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Terms for subject Environment (7204 entries)
abitazzjoni individwali single family dwelling (An unattached dwelling unit inhabited by an adult person plus one or more related persons)
ABS access and benefit-sharing
aċċertament raġonevoli reasonable assurance
aċċess għal dokumenti amministrattivi access to administrative documents (The legal right of access to administrative documents or the opportunity to avail oneself of the same)
aċċess għall-baħar access to the sea
aċċess għall-informazzjoni access to information (The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that convey knowledge)
aċċess għall-kultura access to culture (The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that transmit the beliefs, customs, artistic activity and knowledge of a people)
aċċess għall-qrati access to the courts (The right of citizens to access to the organs of the governments where justice is administered)
aċċess għat-territorju land access (The permission or freedom to use, enter, approach or pass to and from a tract of land, which often consists of real estate property)
aċċess pubbliku għall-art public access to land (The right or permission for all persons of a community to use government owned geographic areas such as parks, campgrounds and historical sites)
aċċess u qsim ta' benefiċċji access and benefit-sharing
aċċessorji ta' plaming fitting (plumbing, Plumbing equipment in a building)
aċċettazzjoni tat-teknoloġija technology acceptance (The approval, favorable reception and ongoing use of newly introduced devices and systems, usually developed from recent advances in the engineering sciences or industrial arts)
aċċident accident (An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss with the potential for harming human life, property or the environment)
aċċident ambjentali environmental accident (An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss, with the potential for harming the ecosystem or natural resources)
aċidifikazzjoni acidification (Addition of an acid to a solution until the pH falls below 7)
aċidifikazzjoni tal-ħamrija soil acidification (A naturally occurring process in humid climates that has long been the subject of research, whose findings suggest acid precipitation effects. The generally accepted impact of soil acidification on the productivity of terrestrial plants is summarised as follows: as soil becomes more acidic the basic cations (Ca, Mg) on the soil exchange are replaced by hydrogen ions or solubilized metals. The basic cation, now in solution, can be leached through the soil. As time progresses the soil becomes less fertile and more acidic. Resultant decreases in soil pH cause reduced, less-active population of soil microorganisms, which in turn slow decomposition of plant residues and cycling of essential plant nutrients)
aċidità acidity (The state of being acid that is of being capable of transferring a hydrogen ion in solution)
aċidità qawwija strong acidity (High degree of ionization of an acid in water solution)
aċidu acid (A compound capable of transferring a hydrogen ion in solution)