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Terms for subject Environment (7205 entries)
"fallout" fallout (The descent of airborne solid or liquid particles to the ground, which occurs when the speed at which they fall due to gravity exceeds that of any upward motion of the air surrounding them)
"fallout" kimiku chemical fallout (The sedimentation of chemical substances accumulated in the atmosphere as a result of industrial emissions)
"fallout" radjuattiv radioactive fallout (The material that descends to the earth or water well beyond the site of a surface or subsurface nuclear explosion)
"landfill" għal skart domestiku domestic waste landfill (Site for the disposal of wastes arising from domestic activities)
tar-ramel sand pit (A place where sand is extracted from the ground)
1,1,1-klorodifluworoetan 1,1,1-chlorodifluoroethane
1,1,1-klorodifluworoetan 1,1,1-difluorochloroethane
1,1,1-klorodifluworoetan difluoromonochloroethane
1,1,1-klorodifluworoetan fluorocarbon-142b
CD-ROM CD-ROM (A compact disc on which a large amount of digitalised read-only data can be stored, compact disc read-only-memory)
Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants
Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants Climate and Clean Air Coalition
CO2 fossili fossil CO2
CO2 inerenti inherent CO2
CO2 ittrasferit transferred CO2
COP Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
COP Conference of the Parties
COP Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC
COPcyc community based monitoring
Copernicus Copernicus