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Terms for subject Microsoft (5637 entries)
Control-lykill Control key
CSR client-side rendering
CSV-innflutningsskrá CSV import file
CSV-skrá comma-separated value file
CSV-skrá CSV
CTP-afhendingargeta CTP
CTRL-lykill CTRL key
CVV-númer Card Verification Value
WAU Windows Anytime Upgrade
Web Service Description Language grind Web Service Description Language Schema
WebDAV Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
Windows 8 á einu tungumáli Windows 8 Single Language
Windows 8 Pro með Media Center Windows 8 Pro with Media Center
Windows endurheimt Windows Recovery Environment
Windows Greining Windows Diagnostics
Windows Live innskráningaraðstoð Windows Live Sign-in Assistant
Windows Live tæki Windows Live Devices
Windows öryggisafrit Windows Backup
Windows Push-tilkynningaþjónusta Windows Push Notification Service