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Terms for subject Mineral products (279 entries)
acceso access opening
Acuerdo para la instalación de una Red Europea Experimental de Estaciones Oceánicas International Agreement on the setting up of an Experimental European Network of Ocean Stations (Cost 43)
aerocalentador warm-air heating appliance
aerogenerador aerogenerator
aerogenerador wind dynamo
aerogenerador wind-power generator
aerogenerador wind turbine
aeromotor aerogenerator
aeromotor wind dynamo
aeromotor wind generator
aeromotor wind-power generator
aeromotor wind turbine
aeroturbina aerogenerator
aeroturbina wind dynamo
aeroturbina wind generator
aeroturbina wind-power generator
aeroturbina wind turbine
agua de alimentación de calderas feedwater
antepuerto forebay
antepuerto outer basin