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Terms for subject Uncommon / rare (73 entries)
... ga kelsak in the article of ...
...ga kelganda in the article of ...
...ning haqida in the article of ...
см. choreographer choreograph
шутл.o‘z lash-lushlariniko‘ch-ko‘ronlarini yig‘ishtirib to pack up (one's) awls and be gone
ajoyib all square
ajratib olingan dissociate
ajratilgan dissociate
Alkimyo (o‘rta asrlarda: oddiy metallarni oltin yoki kumushga aylantiruvchi "hikmat toshi" – iksir (afsonaviy toshni) izlash bilan shug‘ullangan xayoliy fan) the Hermetic art
aloqasi yo‘q dissociate
anhor beck
ariq beck
ayirib (ajratib) tashlangan (yuborilgan) dissociate
ayrilgan dissociate
befoyda ish bilan mashg‘ul bo‘lmoq to fish in the air
befoyda ish bilan mashg‘ul bo‘lmoq to plough the air
bekorga harakat qilmoq to fish in the air
bekorga harakat qilmoq to plough the air
binoyiday all serene
bir-biri bilan bog‘lanmagan dissociate