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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
absorbant compact compact absorber
absorbant du son sound absorber
absorbants, matériaux filtrants, chiffons d'essuyage et vêtements de protection absorbents, filter materials, wiping clothes and protective clothing
absorbeur absorption bottle
absorbeur à pulvérisation fine wetted wall absorber
absorbeur résonant resonant absorber
absorption absorption (exposure, The taking in of fluids or other substances by cells or tissues)
absorption absorption
absorption removal
absorption (exposition) absorption (exposure)
absorption de polluant pollutant absorption (The process by which a pollutant is physically incorporated into another substance or body)
absorption de polluant pollutant absorption
absorption du bruit noise absorption
absorption par la calotte polaire Polar Cap Absorption
acacia blanc black locust
acacia blanc honey locust
acacia blanc locust tree
acacia commun black locust
acacia commun honey locust
acacia commun locust tree