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Terms for subject Communications (46616 entries)
"20 ans de Communauté européenne" "20 years of Europe"
"appel présent" U6 U6 "call present
"bavardoir" talk show
"burst" de synchronisation synchronization burst
"city mail" city mail
"clearing house" clearing house
"clearing house" clearing house mechanism
"Conférence aéronautique" "The Aeronautical Conference"
"Conférence aéronautique" Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference for the Preparation of a Revised Allotment Plan for the Aeronautical Mobile (R) Service
"Conférence spatiale" "The Space Conference"
"Conférence spatiale" Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference to allocate Frequency Bands for Space Radiocommunication purposes
"cookie" cookie
"dernier kilomètre" last mile
"dernier kilomètre" local loop
"dernier kilomètre" local loop infrastructure
"Film et télévision : une question de collaboration européenne" "Film and television : a European partnership"
"fragile" "handle with care"
"fragile" "fragile"
"indication de déconnexion" U12 U12 "disconnect indication"
"joker" wild character