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Terms for subject General (665 entries)
a dato after date
academia academy
academia literary or artistic persons
academia society of learned
Acipenser huso beluga
actio pauliana Paulian action
actio pauliana revocatory action
ad interim ad interim
ad interim for the meantime
ad interim for the present
ad personam in a personal capacity
ad personam in their individual capacity
ad personam in their personal capacity
ad personam on his own behalf
ad personam personally speaking
Agrostis stolonifera L creeping bent grass
Agrostis tenuis Sibth brown top
Algae algal species
Allium ampeloprosum silverskin onion
Alteranaria alternata Tobacco brown spot, Tomato fruit rot, Bean leaf blight, Beet leaf blight, Apple storage rot, Pear storage rot, Apple moldy core, Apple core rot