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Terms for subject Technology (6568 entries)
1/10 ohmi mho
1/10 ohmi reciprocal ohm
1/10 ohmi siemens
1/1000 tuumaa mil
1/1000 tuumaa milli-inch
1/1000 tuumaa thou
2-karsta set of two cards
2-kirjaiminen maatunnus Alpha-2 ISO code
2-kirjaintunnus Alpha-2 ISO code
3-karsta set of three cards
4-karsta set of four cards
aallotettu paperi fluted paper
aaltoilu buckling
aaltoilu curling
aaltoilu wave
aaltoilu waviness
aaltokartonki tai -pahvi corrugated cardboard
aaltokoholeima striated photograph
aaltomainen taustakuvio guilloche background
aaltomittari wave-recorder