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Terms for subject Cooking (440 entries)
-klein (Enten-, Gänse- etc.) giblets
Absacker final drink after which you are drunk
Absacker after-dinner drink
Ajowan-Kümmel thymol seed
Almkäse cheese from a hill farm
anrichten arrange on a serving dish
anrichten dish up
anrichten serve
anrichten prepare
anrichten salad
Apfeldicksaft concentrated apple juice
Apfelessig apple cider vinegar
Apfelkompott stewed apples
Apfelkompott apple compote
Apfelkraut apple butter
Apfelmost apple juice
Apfelmost hard cider
Apfelmus apple sauce
Apfelsaftschorle apple juice and sparkling mineral water
Apfelschorle apple juice and sparkling mineral water