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Terms for subject Law (27172 entries)
"andra innehavare" av ecu "other holders" of ECUs
"annan innehavare" av ecu Other Holders of ECUs
"assises" "assises"
"assises" Conference of the Parliaments
"nästa vardag" lawful day
"ways and means"-kredit "ways and means" facility
"Ways and means"-kredit hos Bank of England "ways and means facility" with the Bank of England
-cid -cide
-dödande -cide
i enlighet med deras konstitutionella bestämmelser adoption (by the Member States) in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements
...att en annan medlemsstat missbrukar sina befogenheter enligt... ...that another Member State is making improper use of the powers provided for in...
...med en bestämmelse som innehåller att... ...with a proviso to the effect that...
å ämbetets vägnar ex officio
å ämbetets vägnar of its own motion
å ämbetets vägnar as of right
A-avvikelse A-deviation
A-punkt A point
åberopa rättigheter invoke the rights
åberopad omständighet cited fact
åberopad omständighet exposed fact