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Terms for subject Law (20216 entries)
"Andrés Bello"-konventionen "Andrés Bello" Convention
"arbejde-for-føde"-projekt food-for-work-project
"Assises" "assises"
"Assises" Conference of the Parliaments
"base sur base"-metoden "base from base" method
"base sur base"-metoden accounts method
"dobbelt sikkerhedsnet"-procedure "double safety net" procedure
"droit moral" moral rights
"eksklusive" forpligtelser exclusive obligations
"Euro-Jus"-net Euro-Jus network
"executive agreement" executive agreement
"flænge" rip cut
"forfatterne" legal theory
"Fri Erhvervsudøvelse i EF - En Vejledning" Guide to Working in a Europe without Frontiers
"fuldbevis" "formal" evidence
"grandfather clause" grandfather clause
"grandfather clause" grandfathering clause
"hul i loven" legal hiatus
"hul i loven" legal vacuum
"implied powers" implied powers