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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
åbent markedssystem open market system
åbent og konkurrencepræget markedssystem system of open and competitive markets
åbent universitet open university
åbent verdenshandelssystem open world trading system
ABM-aftale ABM Agreement
åbne nye markeder open up new outlets
åbning af kreditter openings of credit
åbningstider operating hours
åbningstider operating time
abort abortion
abort på medicinsk indikation therapeutic abortion
Abruzzi Abruzzi
absolut flertal absolute majority
absolut fordel absolute advantage
absorptionskapacitet over importen import-absorbing capacity
accessoriske tjenesteydelser non-core services
ACE (II) Community action for cooperation in the field of economics in favour of Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania and Czechoslovakia
acontobeløb down payment
acontobeløb downpayment
acontobeløb initial payment