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Terms for subject Education (3775 entries)
"Comenius"-aktion Comenius measure
"Education International" Education International
"grå" litteratur grey document
"grå" litteratur grey literature
"nye kvalifikationer til nye job"-initiativet New Skills for New Jobs Initiative
"Professional and Academic Channel for Europe 2000" European Educational Channel
"Professional and Academic Channel for Europe 2000" Professional and Academic Channel for Europe 2000
's-Gravesandes-ring 's-Gravesande ring
3-2-struktur two-cycle degree structure
3-2-struktur two-cycle system
åben læring open learning
åben uddannelse open education
åben uddannelse open learning
åben uddannelse og fjernundervisning open and distance learning
åben undervisning og fjernundervisning open and distance education and learning
åben undervisning og fjernundervisning open and distance education
åben undervisning og fjernundervisning open and distance learning
åben undervisningstjeneste open learning service
åben viden open knowledge
åbent europæisk samarbejde open European space