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Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology (461 entries)
我喜欢笔状的眼影,但是它们一般都太干燥 I love eye shadows in pencil form, but they always seem too dry
我觉得这种颜色的口红很配你的肤色 I think the color of this lipstick looks good with your skin tone
我给你推荐个牌子吧,这个品牌有一款面霜对淡化雀斑很有效 I recommend a brand to you. This brand has a face cream which is effective on fading freckles
我只放了一小撮这个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水 I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with the perfume
我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。它对眼睑是非常温和的。你想试试看吗? We have a very wide selection of colors And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?
我们有这种玫瑰色,还有各种浓淡的浅褐色 We have this rose color. We also have different shades of beige
我们公司提供超过300款的香水产品,包括一系列的热带香型和古典香型的香水 Our company offers more than 300 SKU’s in perfume products, including a full line of tropical and classical fragrances
我们的粉底是用最好的原料做成的高质量产品。它可以滋润你的皮肤,并且防晒指数为8 Our foundation is of high quality. Only the finest ingredients. It will moisturize your skin and it has a sunblock rating of
我们的工作是用人工以及天然香料来调配香水 Our job is to blend artificial and natural chemicals to create scents for perfumes
我们保证制造的香水和酒精、香精和水一样纯净,不带任何杂质,因为经过了预处理,能保证产品外观清澄、气味醇和、香气扑鼻 We guarantee to make our perfume as pure as alcohol, essence and water, without any impurities, because pretreatment guarantees our products to be limpid, mellow and fragrant
我想看看你们的眼影。你们有颜色表让我参考吗? I want to consider your eye shadow. Do you have a color chart I can have a look at?
我对你们的香水很感兴趣。我已经看过了你们的展品,并且研读了产品目录 I’m interested in your perfume. I've seen your exhibits and studied your catalogs
树苔,树藓 tree moss
洒上一滴名牌香水,令您一天芳香迷人 A drop of brand-name perfume will keep you attractively aromatic all day long
舒缓的 calming
专家表示,无论你的皮肤是干性、中性或是油性的,如果你只买得起一种皮肤护理用品,将钱花在品质好的润肤霜上将是最划算的 Whether your skin is dry, normal, or even oily, if you can only afford one skin care product, experts say, your dollars will be well spent on a good moisturizer
缓解 release
气味 scent
气味 odor
笔状物 pencil