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Terms for subject Accounting (120 entries)
多栏式分类账目 tabular ledger
生〔增〕长率 growth rate
生命周期法指公司根据在产品生命周期内回收成本的原则,制定产品价格的会计方法 life-cycle processing
真实一一表示 faithful representation
财务会计理论和研究 financial accounting theory and research
财务报表假设 reporting assumptions
财务报表审计中的判断 judgment in financial statement audits
财务比率和报表分析 financial ratios and statement analysis
利润分配 appropriation
利润中心业绩 profit center performance
未分配收人 unappropriated income
未拨用的 unappropriated
中期报告 interim reporting
稳值会计 stabilized accounting
制定预算 budgeting
收人确认:费用、利得和损失 revenue recognition: expenses, gains and losses
收益分类和报告 income classification and reporting
收益预测 earnings forecasts
弹性预算 flexible budgeting
为…代理 for account of