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Terms for subject Plastic surgery (5401 entries)
封口机 stapler
封闭敷料 occlusive dressing
持针器 needle holders
老茧 tyloma
老年性上睑松垂 senile blepharochalasis of upper eyelid
老年性睑外翻 senile ectropion of eyelid
arcus marginalis
锁孔设计 keyhole design
锁骨上动脉皮瓣 supraclavicular artery flap
锁骨下臂丛神经阻滞 infraclavicular block
锁骨下的 infraclavicular
锁骨前的 preclavicular
锁骨颅骨发育不全 cleidocranial dysplasia
异性癖 transsexualism
异性癖者 transgender
异性转换欲者 transgender
异性转换欲者 transsexual
异质成形术 alloplasty
异常 anomalies
异位 misplacement