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Terms for subject Law (7733 entries)
一切海损均不赔偿 free of all average
一有机会 on the first occasion
一次性支付 lump sum payment
一次给付总额 lump sum
一般合同条款 usual covenant
一般性债务对债务的无限责任,如工商债务的偿还 general liability
一般地 in (the) gross
common counts
一般注意 ordinary care
一批〔堆,群,团,片〕 a body of
一定受到 in for
一审案件 case of first instance
principal in the first degree
renvoi au permier degre
一方未婚的通奸 single adultery
一经要求 on demand
una voce
一致同意票 unanimous vote