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Terms for subject Milk production (504 entries)
搅拌室 mixing room
分群栏 holding passage (of a corral)
分群栏 race (n.)
分级奶 graded milk
分级奶酪 graded cheese
圆型奶酪 wheel-shaped cheese
标准化奶 standardized milk
标准奶产量 fat-corrected milk yield
三角型奶酪 wedged cheese
有10%的液态奶已被检出含有三聚氰胺 Tests show that 10 % of the liquid milk supply has been contaminated with melamine
有强烈杂味的奶酪 tangy cheese
霉化制作绿毛奶酪 moulds (in blue cheese making)
霉菌培养 mould culture
复原稀奶油 reconstituted cream
小块奶酪 short body of cheese
小型干酪切达干酪的种类 midgets (cheese form of Cheddar)
我们需要鲜牛奶 We need some fresh milk
我想要一个芝士汉堡包、一包薯条和一大杯巧克力奶昔 I’ll have a cheese burger, French fries and a large chocolate milkshake, please
搓碎干酪 grating cheese
鼓型干酪 drum cheese