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Terms for subject Fish farming (pisciculture) (1591 entries)
适盐微生物 halophiles
适盐细菌 halophilic bacteria
适盐细菌 salt-loving bacteria
适盐细菌 red halophiles
逃逸率 rate of escapement
洄游性鱼 migratory fish
洄游种 migratory stock
包装苏格兰咸鲱 lay herring
清洁海水 clean seawater
清洁海水 clean sea water
清理池塘 scraping (of ponds)
清理池塘 mudding of ponds
清理焊缝 trimming
锅盐 open pan salt
分批投饲 batch feeding
分级台 grading table
分级台 sorting table
堆盐渍 kench
堆盐渍 salt buck
堆盐渍 stack