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Terms for subject Archery (1192 entries)
各射程 each distance
射程 shooting distance
射程 archery range
射程 distance
射程标杆 range stick
射猎阴遮处 bowhunting blind
射猎得分最少者奖 order of the bone
射鸟箭 flu-flu
射鸟箭 floo-floo
射鸟比赛 bird shooting
射中 hit the target
射中 in the clout
射中区域 shooting area
射中靶心 hit the bull's eye
射中靶心 make the bull's eye
射偏 yaw
射兔比赛 rabbit shooting
射托 arrow rest
射托 arrow shelf
射靶用箭 butt shaft