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Terms for subject Cooking (146 entries)
大豆作物,大豆食物 soya
tappit hen
大比目鱼 halibut
大部分汉堡都含有增味剂,如味精 Most hamburgers contain the flavor enhancer, such as monosodium glutamate
欧芹,荷兰芹 parsley
用香菜装饰一下盘子 Decorate the plate with coriander
用盐和胡椒调味 Season with salt and pepper
萨拉米香肠味浓,多切片冷食 salami
猪排 pork chop
猪排份餐不预腌的熟火腿 pork steak
猪里脊肉 pork fillet
紫砂壶 purple clay pot
中午我们吃玉米棒子 We ate corn cobs for lunch
丰收 harvest
茴香茎作蔬菜,籽和叶亦用于烹调 fennel
谷类,常加牛奶作早餐用的谷类食物 cereal
常栖鱼 resident fish
稻,大米 rice
流行时尚 ala mode
杂食性鱼类 omnivorous fish