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Terms for subject Criminal law (572 entries)
cadru penal penal framework
centru extrateritorial offshore banking centre
centru extrateritorial offshore centre
centru extrateritorial offshore financial centre
centru financiar offshore offshore banking centre
centru financiar offshore offshore centre
centru financiar offshore offshore financial centre
centru offshore offshore banking centre
centru offshore offshore centre
centru offshore offshore financial centre
cercetare judecătorească inquiry
cercetare judecătorească taking of evidence
cibercriminalitate computer crime
cibercriminalitate computer-related crime
cibercriminalitate cybercrime
ciberterorism cyberterrorism
Codul de Procedură Penală Code of Criminal Procedure
combaterea terorismului counter-terrorism
comerț cu sclavi slave trade
comerț de transplant transplant commercialism