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Terms for subject Natural sciences (1461 entries)
Abies guatemalensis British Honduras fir
Abies nebrodensis fir
Abies spp. fir
Abies spp. fir-tree
Abies spp. spruce
abietacee pinaceae
abietacee pine family
Acacia catechu catechu tree
acar pointsman
acar signalman
acar switchman
acarioza albinelor acariasis of bees
acarioza albinelor acarine disease of bees
acarioza albinelor acariosis of bees
adenozin dezaminază adenosine deaminase
aditiv antidetonant anti-knock additive
aditiv antidetonant anti-knock agent
aditiv antidetonant anti-knock compound
aditiv antidetonant anti-knock preparation
aditiv antidetonant anti-knock product