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Terms for subject Sociology (112 entries)
direito a prestações benefit entitlement
direito a prestações right to benefits
educação de pares peer education
educação especial education for special needs
educação especial special education
Emprego - Now Employment-NOW (New Opportunities for Women)
Emprego - Now Employment-NOW Initiative
Emprego - Now Employment-NOW
Emprego - Now Community initiative to promote equal opportunities for women in the field of employment and vocational training
Emprego - Youthstart Employment-YOUTHSTART
Emprego - Youthstart Youthstart programme
Emprego-Horizon Employment-HORIZON
Emprego-Integra Employment-Integra
ensino especial education for special needs
ensino especial special needs education
equipas de rua street worker
Estratégia europeia para uma Internet melhor para as crianças European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children
Fundo de Auxílio Europeu às Pessoas mais Carenciadas Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived
fundo de pensões pension plan
Fundo dos Acidentes do Trabalho Accidents at Work Fund