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Terms for subject Life sciences (1404 entries)
2-amino-3, 7-dihydropurin-6-one gwanina
3'-flanking region reġjun maġenb l-estremità 3'
5'-flanking region reġjun maġenb l-estremità 5'
5-hydroxytryptamine serotonina
abiotic environment ambjent abijotiku
abiotic factor fattur abijotiku
abiotic stress stress abijotiku
abortus Bang ring test ringtest
absinth assenzju/erbajanka
absinthium assenzju/erbajanka
activated sludge ħama attivata
activated sludge ħama bijoloġika
acute angle angolu akut
acute asymptotic LC50 asintot intens LC50
acute asymptotic LC50 asintotika LC50
aerobic biodegradation degradazzjoni aerobika
aerobic degradation degradazzjoni aerobika
aggregates of nested chains of cells aggregati ta' ktajjen ta' ċelloli mbejta
aggregative adherence fimbria I AAF/I
aggregative adherence fimbria I fimbria I ta' aderenza aggregattiva