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Terms for subject Communications (46604 entries)
"E" echo channel canal echo "E"
"escape" code code "d'échappement"
"Europe by satellite" project projet "L'Europe par satellite"
"extras" surcharge
"fail" verdict verdict "échec"
"Film and television : a European partnership" "Film et télévision : une question de collaboration européenne"
"first come, first served" method méthode "premier arrivé, premier servi"
"fragile" "fragile"
"free channel" signal signal "voie libre"
"free to air" content contenu diffusé en clair
"gap-filler" re-transmitter relais bouche-trou
"handle with care" "fragile"
"hanging up" indication indication "raccroché"
"Hoth" spectrum spectre de Hoth
"inconclusive" verdict verdict "non concluant"
"Institut national de la communication audiovisuelle" (INCA) Institut national de la communication audiovisuelle (INCA)
"Interconnection Directive" directive "interconnexion"
"Internet sphere of influence" "sphère d'influence Internet"
"Les Grandes Conférences Catholiques" (Catholic Lecture Series) Les Grandes Conférences Catholiques
"letterbox format" effet "boîte aux lettres"