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Terms for subject Horticulture (51 entries)
additional declaration 부기
area 지역
biological control agent 생물적방제체
bulbs and tubers (as a commodity class) 구근 및 괴근
consignment 화물
cut flowers and branches (as a commodity class) 절화 및 절지
delimiting survey 경계설정 조사
detection survey 탐지 조사
detention 유치
devitalization 비활성화
ecosystem 생태계
emergency action 긴급활동
emergency measure 긴급조치
eradication 박멸
establishment (of a pest) 정착
find free 검사에 의한 무발생
germplasm 생식질
growing medium 재배매체
growing period (of a plant species) 기간
growing season 재배 씨즌