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Terms for subject Pest control (561 entries)
alfalfa leaf rot Pseudopeziza trifolii
almond tree brown leaf spot Polystigma ochraceum
angular leaf spot (tobacco) Pseudomonas angulata
angular leaf spot of cotton Xanthomonas malvacearum
angular leaf spot of cucumber Pseudomonas lachrymans
anthracnose of cucurbits Colletotrichum lagenarium
anthracnose of currants Drepanopeziza ribis
anthracnose of French bean Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
anthracnose of grapevine Elsinoe ampelina
anthracnose of raspberry Elsinoe veneta
aphid Toxoptera aurantii
apple and citrus sooty blotch Gloeodes pomigena
apple and pear canker Nectria galligena
apricot die-back Eutypa armeniacae
armyworm Mythimna impuncta (Gn.)
ash cankerous gall Bacterium savastanoi fraxini
ash stem blight Macrophomina phaseoli
ashy leaf spot of pear Mycosphaerella sentina
Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis
azalea gall Exobasidium azaleae