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Terms for subject General (665 entries)
about circa
Abyssinian lovegrass Eragrostis abessinica
Abyssinian lovegrass Eragrostis tef
Abyssinian lovegrass Poa abyssinica
academy academia
acerola Crataegus azarolus L.
ad interim ad interim
Administrative Control on behalf of the Federal Council Controlla administrativa dal cussegl federal
after date a dato
after noon post meridiem
algal species Algae
alimentary tract tractus digestorius
all other things being equal ceteris paribus
allspice Pimenta dioica Merrill
alpaca Lama guanicoë
alpaga Lama guanicoë
among other things inter alia
and so forth perge perge
and so forth Et cetera
and so forth et cetera