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Terms for subject Volleyball (223 entries)
"ball is in play" "der Ball ist im Spiel"
"ball rests in the hands" kleben
"dead ball" "toter Ball"
"good ball" "gelungener Ball"
"holding foot" Tragfuss
"in" "darin"
"kill the ball" "den Ball töten"
"low ball" "niedriger Ball"
"net bounces the ball back" "das Netz wirft den Ball zurück"
"one-pass attack" "Einpassangriff"
"out ball" "Ausball"
"out ball" "entlaufener Ball"
"out ball" "aus"
"perforate" the block "den Block durchschlagen"
"side-out" Aufgabewechsel
"smash above the block" über dem Block schmettern
"smash on the block" "an den Block schmettern"
"smash the block away" "den Block zerschlagen"
"split opponent's blocking" "den Gegenblock sprengen"
"time-out" "Auszeit"