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Terms for subject Kick volleyball (86 entries)
first playing score 第一次得分
follow-through of the ball 随球过网
format of competition 比赛方法
front foot kick 脚背正面踢
game point 最后1分
go mid-air 跳到半空中
go over the net 过网
hit the net 触网
inner circle 内心圈
inside kick 脚内侧踢
inside player 内卫
jump off the ground to execute the service 腾空发球
jumping behind kick 跳起背后踢球
kick from inside of foot 脚内侧踢球
kick from outside of foot 脚外侧踢球
kick from the front foot 脚背正面踢球
kick from the lower leg 小腿踢球
kick or pass out of the correct sequence 未按顺序传踢球
knee bump 膝击球
knee kick 膝踢球