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Terms for subject Winemaking (103 entries)
A wine connoisseur may be able to tell exactly where a certain vintage wine was made just by smell and taste 美酒鉴赏家只需要闻一下或者轻舔一下某种年份葡萄酒,就可以明确分辨出酒的产地
A wine critic can pinpoint a vineyard and vintage with uncanny accuracy 品酒师能非常准确地说出酒的产地和日期
alcohol content 酒精含量
alcoholic 酒精的,含酒精的
alcoholic beverage 酒精饮料
An actual visit from a faraway friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds 远方的朋友真的来看你时,那就要庆祝一下,自然要狂欢作乐一番
AOC 法定产区葡萄酒
At its center is the classic area of Bordeaux, where the vast majority of the most famous chateaux are located 在波尔多这个经典产地中心,坐落着很多著名的酒庄
authentication 鉴定
be obsessed with 痴迷于
binge 狂欢
Bordeaux 波尔多
bouquet 花束,酒香
brandy 白兰地
brewed wine 发酵酒
brewing 酿造
Burgundy 勃艮第
Camus 卡慕酒
categorize 将...分类,把... 加以归类