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Terms for subject Basketball (3304 entries)
4 player 大前锋
abnormal position 反常的身体姿势
acceptable contact 合法身体接触
accidental contact 偶然接触
ace shooter 最佳射手
act of shooting 投篮动作
action shot 行进间投篮
active referee 执行裁判
actual combat 实战
actual playing time 实际比赛时间
additional free throw 追加罚篮
additional free throw 追加罚球
administer a penalty 执行罚贝
administer a penalty 执行罚则
advance guard 前锋
advanced guard 前锋
advancing figure of eight 八字进攻法
advancing figure of eight 8 字形进攻
advancing foot 前脚
affected area