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Terms for subject Socialism (248 entries)
access to microcredit 获得小额贷款的途径
access to microcredit 获得小额贷款的机会
access to resources 获得资源的途径
access to resources 获得资源的机会
advancement of women 妇女进步
agricultural knowledge 农业知识
analysis from a gender perspective 从性别角度分析
anti-discrimination 反歧视
anti-discrimination legislation 反歧视立法
assistance to mothers 向母亲提供的援助
awareness-raising programme 提高认识计划
basic awareness training 基本意识的培养
care costs 护理费用
care costs 看护费用
care giving activity 护理活动
care giving activity 护理工作
care provider 护理服务
care provider 提供护理服务的机构
care service 护理服务
care service 提供护理服务的机构