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Terms for subject Furniture (114 entries)
archaized decoration 仿古装饰
Armani 阿玛尼
artificial board 人造板
At present the demand for divans still exceeds the supply 目前矮长沙发仍然供不应求
Avarte 阿旺特
banded core 封边板心
Baroque style 巴洛克风格
Baxter 巴克斯特
bedside table 床头柜
beech 山毛榉
bent work 弯曲加工
bentwood 曲木经处理用于做家具
Besides timber, veneer glued on the surface of artificial board is a main kind of wood in the field of furniture and decoration 在家具和装饰行业中,除实木外,最常用的是覆贴于人造板表面的饰面薄板
bind 粘合
bond stress 胶接应力
bookshelf 书架
canopy bed 四柱床
Cappellini 坎佩乐尼
carved lacquer 雕漆
Cassina 卡西纳