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Terms for subject Business (124967 entries)
"before-and-after" test "事先事后"测验
"black market contract" "黑包工"
"blackbox" "黑箱原则"
"blackbox" 暗箱
"blanket" purchase order "一揽子"购货定单
"Blue Provisional" series "暂用"文件
"business activities" test "按企业活动"测试
"Buy American" Program 购买美国货计划见上条注释
"C" licence C 级执照许可证
"C" licence 自营自运业者许可证
"catch all" exceptions "一揽子"免责
"ceiling" and "floor" "上限"与"下限"
"ceiling" and "floor" "最高"与"最低"限额
"clean" floating exchange rate 自由浮动汇率
"clean" floating foreign exchange rate 自由浮动汇率
"cobweb" analysis "蛛网"分析
"constant-sum" game 常和对策
"doubling-up" method "加档"法
"eating from the big pot" 吃大锅饭
"escape clause" provisions 免责条款