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Terms for subject Ice hockey (1519 entries)
"stops and starts" drill 起步急停练习
23-metre area 23米区
23-metre line 23米线22【橄】22米区
23m 23米
25 yards 25码
25-yard area 25 码区
25-yard line 25码线
5-3-2 formation 5-3-2阵形
5-3-2 formation 金字塔阵形
abuse of officials 侮辱比赛工作人员
ace off 开球
ace off 争球
advance 推进进攻
advance the puck 向前运球或传球
advantage rule 得益规则
aerial pass 传高球
affecting tackling 假抢劫
air vent 气孔
airborne pass 传凌空球
All-star Game 全明星赛