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Terms for subject Mining (8490 entries)
abandoned oil 丢失【废弃】的油
abandoned workings 废巷道
abandoned workings 采空区
abandonment oil production rate
abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力
Abnormal Pore Pressure Symposium
abnormal pressure gradient 异常压力梯度
above packer 封隔器上方的
above packer Bourdon tube (case) 封隔器上波登管压力计护管
abrasive 磨蚀岩屑
absolute open flow 绝对无阻流量
absolute open flow potential 绝对无阻【敞喷】产能
absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷产能
abutment 支承
abutment 挢墩
accelerated test technology 加速测试技术
access manway 人行巷道
acclivity 上倾
accreditation of the sample 代表性样品的选定