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Terms for subject Construction (18184 entries)
5 cm clear off the wall 5 cm odmaknut od zida
A Ampere
A apsolutna temperature
A-frame A rešetka
A-horizon A-horizont
abaciscus četvrtasta pločica mozaičkog pločnika
abacus ploča pokrivnica na stubu
abandoned take-off prekinuto poletanje
abandoned tunnel napušteni tunel
abandonment odricanje
abandonment of option odustajanje od premije
abatjour krovni prozor
abatjour abažur
abbey samostanska kapela
aberdeen granite aberdinski granit
abies bark jelova kora
ability to repay kreditno sposoban
ablution block sanitarni blok
ablution facilities sanitarna sredstva
Abney hand level sekstant