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Terms for subject Uncommon / rare (23 entries)
inconsiderate insufficiently considered
inconsiderate ill-advised
inconsiderate not adequately considered
inconsiderate insufficiently considered
lollypop lollipop
lollypop lollipop
Loss Exchange Ratio LER
manufactor manufacturer
manufactor manufacturer
inconsiderate not adequately considered
shs sheets igishe­va
shippage shipment 1Sasha­1
shippage shipment 1Sasha­1
shs sheets igishe­va
species an officinal mixture or compound powder of any kind; especially, one used for making an aromatic tea or tisane; a tea mixture
tatoo tattoo
tatoo tattoo
tax man см. taxman A.Rezv­ov
dot and go one to dot and carry one
transposal transposition lyraro­sa