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Terms for subject (44 entries)
goodness gracious me goodness gracious Баян
if anything used to suggest or state tentatively that something may be the case
if anything You use if anything, especially after a negative statement, to introduce a statement that adds to what you have just said
send (someone) away with a flea in (their) ear if somebody sends a person away with a flea in their ear, they tell them angrily to go away
put the fear of God into if someone or something puts the fear of God into you, they frighten or worry you, often deliberately
if the cap fits, wear it if the shoe fits, wear it
if the cap fits, wear it if the shoe fits, wear it
in hot pursuit be in hot pursuit 4uzhoj
in the small hours in the very early morning, just after midnight, when most people are asleep Andrey­ Truhac­hev
in the small hours in the very early morning, just after midnight, when most people are asleep Andrey­ Truhac­hev
in touching distance within touching distance Баян
know where the skeletons are buried know where all the bodies are buried 4uzhoj
where the shoe pinches know where the shoe pinches 4uzhoj
know where the skeletons are buried know where all the bodies are buried 4uzhoj
no glove, no love Without a condom, there will be no sex. Intere­x
not do (something) justice said about a picture that isn't as beautiful as the view you saw, or about a joke that was originally very funny, but you re-told it incorrectly
on notice put on notice Баян
blue sky thinking open-minded thinking* Evgeni­yaLapa
blue sky thinking optimistic thinking Evgeni­yaLapa
plenty to go around enough to go around Баян