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Terms for subject Space (23 entries)
bubble of nothing decay Thus we have a generalization of the bubble of nothing describing the decay of the vacuum solutions... -- JHEP Michae­lBurov
cosmic microwave background radiation CMB Michae­lBurov
cosmological concordance hypothesis Lambda-CDM model Michae­lBurov
cosmological concordance model Lambda-CDM model Michae­lBurov
Daily Planning Conference DPC transl­ator911
decade via a bubble of nothing Thus we have a generalization of the bubble of nothing describing the decay of the vacuum solutions... -- JHEP Michae­lBurov
fast Lyapunov indicator FLI Michae­lBurov
Gamma-400 γ400
inner water ocean world IWOW Michae­lBurov
LOOPUS orbit loops in orbit occupied permanently by unstationary satellite
LOOPUS orbit loops in orbit occupied permanently by unstationary satellite
pot W
S80/T S80/T
soft vacuum EBW soft vacuum electron beam welding
soft vacuum EBW soft vacuum electron beam welding
space solar power demonstratoŕ SSPD Michae­lBurov
strong anthropic principle SAP Michae­lBurov
stupendously large black hole SLAB Michae­lBurov
tera 10¹²