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Terms for subject Astronautics (182 entries)
Computer Evaluation of Scanning Electron Microscope Images CESEMI
Current Layer CL
Command Module CM
Changed Particle Lunar Environment Experiment CPLEE
Ceramatec SOXE assembly CSA Michae­lBurov
cryogen servicing tool CST Michae­lBurov
compact thermal imager CTI Michae­lBurov
Consolidated Vacuum Corporation CVC
cargo lunar vehicle CaLV Michae­lBurov
Cl Cl
wing lift curve slope Cl
Cm Cm0
Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus DAVINCI+ Michae­lBurov
Duel Current Layer DCL
Doppler Broadening Velocity DPV
design reference architecture DRA Michae­lBurov
Descent Stage DS
Doppler Zeeman Analyser DZA
DICBM Defense Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
DICORAP Directional Controlled Rocket Assisted Projectiles