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Terms for subject Statistics (78 entries)
local currency units LCU ZolVas
LIBOR rate Libor
London Inter-Bank Offered Rate Libor
multivariate adaptive regression splines MARSplines iwona
mean relative difference MRD iwona
Minimum Variance Linear Unbiased Estimator MVLUE
Minimum Variance Unbiased MVU
negative predictive value NPV iwona
prevalence ratio PR iwona
pattern standard deviation PSD iwona
Processor State Word PSW
Relative Efficiency RE
reference interval RI iwona
Second Difference SD
standard error of calibration SEC Wakefu­l dormo­use
Inter-American Planning Society SIAP
Standard Metropolitan Areas SMA
statistical quality control SQC ssn
Sums of Squares and Products SSP
at L. Statutes at Large, U.S.